Wednesday, July 26, 2006


This blog represents my reflections as a researcher who is involved researching the development and use of the OpenLearn inititative sponsored by the Hewlitt foundation. It should not be viewed as an official by-product of this project but rather as my personal thoughts and reflections in relation to this project and my own work within it. Even though care will be taken in terms of the accuracy of content this is not guaranteed. Also some of the reflections are person specific, i.e. me and represent my subjective interpretations. The blog is a kind of diary of my involvement and research based reflections. In this sense it also represents a kind of ethnographic take on events that unfold

Hopefully I will get people either from within and outside the project to guest on this site or invite them to make comments.

My principle focus within the project is really to look at teaching and learning aspects of the activities and how they are produced? What are the learners experiences? Are we achieving the aims of the project?

The project as a whole is also viewed as an example of Action Research, where we ourselves are all researchers reflecting on the process.